Safe, Injury-Free Tree Maintenance: Tips for DIY Work

Welcome to my blog. My name is Kerry, and I love to do DIY work around the home. While painting high ceilings and putting in garden beds seems to be easy for me, I find climbing into a tree with a saw to trim branches very scary and potentially dangerous. Luckily, over the years, I have gotten past the fear and have found ways to service my trees safely and efficiently without risking grave injury to myself. Sometimes, I admit that I have to call in the pros, but I'll help you identify when that's a necessity as well. Take a look at these posts. I hope they move, entertain and inform you.

3 Reasons Why Your Trees Could be Dying and Why You Need Tree Care


Trees are great aesthetic additions to your landscape. They also enhance the circulation of oxygen around the home and provide outdoor shade. However, you need to constantly care for your trees if you want them to serve you excellently for many years.

If a previously healthy tree starts getting dry branches or withering, it is the right time to call a tree care professional. They will figure out the cause of the problem and determine whether or not it is dead. Read on to learn the common causes of tree death.

1. When Nutrient Supply Gets Interrupted

Trees get their nutrients from the soil and through photosynthesis. The tree roots and bark have a system that transports the nutrients from the roots to the leaves. In photosynthesis, the plant converts water and carbon dioxide into glucose through the help of sunlight. Therefore, if any of these processes get interrupted, the tree will start withering and eventually die.

If you cut a tree bark, you sever the system that transports nutrients from the soil upwards. Similarly, if a tree is not receiving enough sunlight to facilitate photosynthesis, it will wither and die. Again, a tree care expert will determine the cause of the weakness and help you nurse it back to health.

2. When the Tree Suffers a Disease 

Another common reason why trees dry up is that they are diseased. Diseases like the Dutch elm disease, oak wilt and others can damage your trees fast. The damage spreads even faster when trees in a grove are too close to each other. If you do not remove the sick branches or trees quickly, you could lose all the trees in your yard. As such, it is imperative to hire a tree care expert as soon as you notice brown spots on the leaves, wilting, yellow leaves and other signs of sickness. Routine professional tree care minimizes the possibility of diseases in your trees. 

3. When the Tree is Old

Like other living things, trees also grow old and die. Older trees have a weaker root system than young and mature trees. Trees also shed branches as they age. As the branches and leaves reduce, it becomes increasingly hard to process the nutrients needed for survival. Old trees will also get affected by storms and extreme weather conditions, exposing people and property to danger. 

Call a professional tree care expert to help you assess your trees when you notice anything unusual. If a tree is dead due to any of the reasons discussed above, it might be necessary to remove it to eliminate the risk of falling or spreading disease to healthy trees.


16 August 2021