Safe, Injury-Free Tree Maintenance: Tips for DIY Work

Welcome to my blog. My name is Kerry, and I love to do DIY work around the home. While painting high ceilings and putting in garden beds seems to be easy for me, I find climbing into a tree with a saw to trim branches very scary and potentially dangerous. Luckily, over the years, I have gotten past the fear and have found ways to service my trees safely and efficiently without risking grave injury to myself. Sometimes, I admit that I have to call in the pros, but I'll help you identify when that's a necessity as well. Take a look at these posts. I hope they move, entertain and inform you.

Is Your Tree Trying to Get Your Attention?


Sometimes a dead or decaying tree is very obvious; it may be grey and withered, with brown leaves and branches that are already cracking and breaking. However, a tree that needs your attention may not be as obvious, and it's easy for a homeowner to overlook certain signs of damage, root rot, and other problems with a tree. Note a few things to look out for that may be telling you that your tree needs some attention and either a chemical treatment, branch trimming, or removal.

White paint

Markings on your tree that look like white paint are often a sign of a fungal infection. This type of fungus may start at the roots or base of the tree and work its way up. If left unchecked, this infection can reach all the way to the branches and cause them to decay and start to wilt and become weak. Try to treat the fungal infection with a commercial product meant for your specific variety of tree, and remove any branches that are already showing the same white paint-like markings on their exterior. This will help contain the infection while the chemical treatment works to kill it.

Lopsided tree

If your tree is noticeably leaning to one side, this often means that it has some type of damage that is causing that side to become weak. It may be that roots on that side are not getting enough moisture or that root rot has formed. Any type of damage inside the trunk of the tree or in the soil on one area of your property can also cause it to lean. Try trimming large branches and then also inspect the tree for damage along the trunk. If it continues to lean, this may mean that it needs removal altogether.

Crowded branches

Too many branches on a tree can be a problem, even if they're healthy, as these may be cutting off light to the lower part of the tree and even to your own property. They may also be using up too much moisture so that the tree becomes dry and brittle. To remove branches that are just crowding other branches, don't be afraid to trim larger branches near the base of the tree as well as smaller branches in the crowded area. This can help to open up more space for more sunlight to pass through the leaves and branches without actually damaging the tree's growth.


20 June 2016